Faculty of Economics and Management Science

Step into a realm where knowledge meets innovation, and academia merges seamlessly with practicality. Whether your aspirations lie in economics, finance, management, or entrepreneurship, our faculty is dedicated to helping you achieve your goals.

Faculty of Economics and Management Science


Faculty of Economics and management science is one of the largest faculties at KismayoUniversity. FEMS was established in 2005 and since then it has been growing rapidly to become the most attracting and the largest faculty in KU.

The faculty is committed to prepare students for globally competitive careers. The graduates will have well-developed intellectual skills in economics and management. This is evident as graduates hold top careers in Economics at the local and international levels. All programs at the faculty are 4 –year programs.

The faculty offers a wide range of undergraduate programs leading to the award of bachelor degree, diplomas, and Masters.


1- To provide students with a high-quality education at internationally approved standards, to enable them to make successful managerial decisions at required levels of managerialcompetencies.

2- To prepare highly skilled graduates to meet the market demand for professional managers in all business functions.


1- To become a centre of excellence in academics, in the fields of Business, Economics, Banking, Accountancy & Finance, research and community services.


2- To train qualified manpower in the area of Business and Economics, Banking and Accountancy that could contribute to the development efforts of the country.


Department of Business Administration

Duration: 4 years

Department of Public Administration

Duration: 4 years

Department of Accounting and Finance

Duration: 4 years