Faculty of Medicine & Health Science

Our faculty is dedicated to providing a comprehensive and immersive learning experience in the field of medicine and health sciences. From foundational medical knowledge to practical clinical skills, our programs prepare students for the challenges and opportunities in the ever-evolving field of healthcare.

Faculty of Medicine & Health Science

Leadership Development

– Implement leadership-focused curriculum and programs.
– Provide mentorship and guidance to students aspiring to contribute to the Republic of Somalia.


Research and Scholarship

– Encourage faculty and students to engage in relevant research.
– Establish partnerships for collaborative research addressing national and global developmental needs.

Broad-based Education

– Design a curriculum that integrates general knowledge with specialized courses.
– Cultivate an academic atmosphere that promotes honesty, integrity, fairness, and social responsibility.

Core Values

– Integrate core values into educational practices and policies.
– Promote a campus culture that embraces and celebrates diversity, dignity, and respect.


Department of Medicine & surgery

Duration: 6 years

Department of Public Health

Duration: 4 years

Department of Nursing

Duration: 4 years